Copyright-> As between you and HaridwarMart the Contents of the website are HaridwarMart Copyright we never distributed , published, copied, reproduced transmitted any part of website .HaridwarMart reserves the right to change terms and condition through the website.
You should need o check time to for these terms have changed or not.
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Your Risk -> The website has been designed for information purpose only. HaridwarMart don't warrant or make representation about anything transmitted nor may any information data, text, links, files or other materials on the website many links on this website are provide which are be another website like as advertisement. Advertisement not related to HaridwarMart .when you click any advertisement links on your own risk. HaridwarMart never take any responsibility regards this.

Law-> These terms and condition are governed by and will be constructed in accordance with the law of HaridwarMart and you submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of Haridwar.

Controlling your personal information -> if you have previously agreed to us using your personal information for marketing purpose now your mind change at any time you can change by writing calling or emailing us. We need your permission are required by law to do so we will never distributed your personal information to kind parties according above rule.
If you think that any information relation to you we are holding on you is wrong or incomplete, then please call, email, and sms to us